Documents Archive

Title Author Classsification Language
Summary of the Central African Herbarium Directors Workshop, Missouri Botanical Gardens Robin L. MAILLE Report English
A case study analysis of the effects of structural adjustment on agriculture and on forest cover in Cameroon James K.A. BENHIN Report English
Le Gorille est-il une espece menacee? Comment devons-nous juger? A.H. HARCOURT Report French
USDA Forest Service Technical Assistance Mission: Development of a Community Use Zone Planning Framework, Lac Tumba Landscape, Democratic Republic of Congo USFS Report English
US Forest Service International Programs, Department of Agriculture: Technical Assistance to the US Government Mission in Burundi on Natural Resource Management and Land Use Policy USFS Report English
Greening democracy and governing the environment: USAID experiences from the field USAID Report English
La Conservación de los Ecosistemas Forestales de Guinea Ecuatorial en los albores del año 2000 CARPE Report Swahili
USDA Forest Service Technical Assistance Trip: Virunga - Bwindi Region: Rwanda, Uganda, DRC In Support to the International Gorilla Conservation Programme in Analyzing the Region's Watersheds for Water Supplies to Local Communities USFS Report English
USDA-Forest Service Technical Assistance Trip, Equatorial Guinea: In Support to USAID Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) for Assistance in Reducing Forest Degradation and Loss of Biological Diversity in Equatorial Guinea USFS Report English
United States Forest Service Technical Assistance Mission to Gabon: Support to Gabon's National Park System USFS Report English
Exploratory Trip to Democratic Republic of the Congo, August 20 - September 15, 2004: Trip Report for International Programs Office, USDA Forest Service, Washington, D.C. USFS Report English
Mobilizing Capacity: Central Africa Sustainable Use Specialist Network Harry van der LINDE Abstract English
CARPE/CBFP Small Grants Policy and Proceedures Manual Nicodème TCHAMOU Manual English
The Impact of the Structural Adjustment Programme on Deforestation in Cameroon James K. A. BENHIN Abstract English
Long term monitoring of a Cameroonian Lowland Moist Forest: Phase II Botanical identification and Database development Elizabeth LOSOS Abstract English
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