Documents Archive

Title Author Classsification Language
Development of Community Participative Management: Lac Tele Community Reserve WCS Report English
The biodiversity of Monte Mitra: Preliminary results and observations Miguel E. LEAL Report English
The uniqueness of Mont Mbilan Plateau: Preliminary results and observations Miguel E. LEAL Report English
The biodiversity of West Waka: Preliminary results and observations Miguel E. LEAL Report English
Novitates Gabonensis 61: A new rare endemic Calvoa (Melastomataceae) from Mbe National Park, Gabon Miguel E. LEAL Report English
Suivi ecologique des grands mammiferes et de l'impact humain: PARC NATIONAL DES PLATEAUX BATEKE, GABON Nicolas BOUT Report French
Projet plateaux Bateke: Rapport Synthese D'Activites Noe MABIALA Report French
Resultats demographiques de l'etude socio-economique autour de la Reserve Naturelle de Gorilles de Lesio-Louna John Aspinall Foundation Report French
Etate Sector Bio-monitoring Report; Recommendations for the Conservation of the Bonobo and Other Key Species in the Salonga National Park, DRC ZSM Report English
Etude des activities de peche sur les rivieres bordant le Parc National de la Salonga, RDC et Recommandations sur la mise en place d'une gestion collaborative du Parc par les communautes riveraines et l'ICCN Christophe BENE Report French
Aspects socio-economiques de l'utilisation et de la gestion des ressources naturelles dans le paysage Salonga-Lukenie-Sankuru: Un guide pour la conservation et l'amelioration des conditions de vie Alejandra COLOM Report French
The socioeconomic aspects of natural resource use and management by local communities in the Salonga-Lukenie-Sankuru Landscape: Guidelines for conservation and livelihood improvement Alejandra COLOM Report English
The Biodiversity of Mont Mbilan (Gabon): Preliminary Results and Observations Miguel E. LEAL Report English
Mayumba National Park: CARPE Agreement Final Technical Report- October 1, 2003 - September 30, 2006 WCS Report English
Monte Alen -Mt de Cristal-Gabon, Mont de Cristal Landscape Segment: CARPE Final Report- October 1, 2003 - September 30, 2006 WWF Report English
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