CARPE Planning, Management and Monitoring Documents


CARPE III Strategic Plan


Performance Management Plan


Reporting Templates


US Forest Service (USFS) Planning Guides


IUCN Small Grants Program



Tools for strengthening good governance in NRM in the Congo Basin

Since its inception, CARPE has developed under its strategic framework the Intermediate Result 2 (IR2) on good governance in Natural Resources Management (NRM) with two challenging indicators:

Indicator 1: Number of key new laws or policies for Protected Areas, logging concessions, and Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) areas passed or old laws and policies reformed with CARPE assistance;
Indicator 2: Number of NGO (and other civil society organizations) advocacy initiatives and activities (e.g., media articles about environmental governance issues e.g. illegal logging, bushmeat poaching; Natural Resources court cases brought or complaints filed with appropriate government agencies) promoted with CARPE assistance.

To achieve this challenge, CARPE has established a Small Grant Program as a mechanism to build civil society capacities through learning by doing, thereby enabling civil society to be more proactive and effective in mobilizing itself to work side-by-side with the government and other stakeholders to develop and promote new laws and policies, review existing ones and ensure their implementation for sustainable natural resources management.

Under the good governance component of the CARPE program, several tools were developed to ensure effective implementation, monitoring and reporting including:
a) the country team, which is a platform for planning and prioritizing actions for policies and legal development, revision and implementation,
b) the country matrix, to plan, execute and report on results and,
c) a detailed Small Grant Policy and Procedure Manual to administer the Small Grant program.
For advocacies, laws, decrees, policies and media articles generated under this program in the CARPE countries, select one of the nine CARPE countries listed below for specific documents.

Date Title Author Classification
Monday, 21 June 2010 Country monitoring and workplanning matrix with budget USAID Manual
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Pour l'implication des ONG et des communautés locales dans la gestion durable Bouana LEHO, Talassa News Items
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Deux autres trafiquants de produits fauniques interpellés à Brazzaville Jean Dany EBOUELE, Les Depeches de Brazzaville News Items
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 L'administration forestière reçoit l'appui de Carpe Guy-Gervais KITINA, Les Depeches de Brazzaville News Items
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Implication des communautes locales Agence Congolaise d'Information Bulletin Quotidien News Items
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Renforcement des capacités des ONG locales Francois INKOLA, L'Observateur News Items
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Compte rendu de l'atelier de reflexion sur la promotion des forets communaitaures et privees carpe Report
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Le gouvernement américain octroie 23.996.500 F. Cfa à trios Ongs congolaise de défense de l'environnement Philippe BANZ, La Semaine Africain News Items
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Les communautés doivent advantage s'impliquer dans la gestion des fôrets Philippe BANZ, La Semaine Africain News Items
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Atelier national de formation sur les concepts de l'approche participative en vue de l'implication des communautes a la gestion de la biodiversite Dieudonne MOUBIALA Report
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Potentialites naturelles de la foret de Ntokou Pikounda, ROC WCS, CNIAF-MEF Report
Monday, 26 July 2010 Loi No. 003/91 dy 23 Avril 1991 sur la protection de l'environnement,ROC Republique Populaire du Congo, Assemblee Nationale Populaire Policy
Monday, 26 July 2010 Protocole d'accord sur l'appui a la gestion du Parc National de Conkouati-Douli, ROC Ministere de l'Economie Forestiere, WCS Policy
Monday, 26 July 2010 Protocole d'accord sur l'appui a la gestion du Parc National de Nouabale-Ndoki, ROC Ministere de l'Economie Forestiere, WCS Policy
Monday, 26 July 2010 Protocole d'accord sur l'appui a la gestion de la Reserve communautaire du Lac Télé, ROC Ministere de l'Economie Forestiere, WCS Policy
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